Our project
We are 11 students enrolled in the Master 1 LEA Course entitled Valuation and International Marketing of Island Products at the University of Corsica. This year our project aims to promote everlasting (Helychrisum italicum) in all its forms at the International Craftsmen’s Fair that will take place in Milan from 3 to 11 December 2022.
We have chosen to focus on everlasting, a plant endemic to Corsica, and aim to showcase Corsica’s art and craft and especially the craftsmen who cultivate, gather and transform everlasting.
How the idea came to us…
Nicknamed ‘Corsican gold’ for its beautiful yellow colour with golden reflections, everlasting gives off a unique perfume that contributes to the characteristic smell of the Corsican maquis and is a major ingredient of phytotherapy and aromatherapy products.
Everlasting is indeed known for its numerous benefits (antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic and healing, among others) which make it the darling of the cosmetic industry and particularly that of Slow Cosmetics!
But many local producers and craftsmen have also been able to showcase it through more original products such as beers, decorative items or even jewellery.
It is this multiplicity of assets and uses of the everlasting plant that seduced us and made us want to promote them at an event that brings together both individuals and professionals from all parts of the world: the Milan Craftsmen’s Fair. (https://artigianoinfiera.it)
You wish to contact us for more information:
Association Giranduloni
Universita di Corsica – Campus Mariani
20250 Corté – France